Sunday, November 10, 2013

Let's Petition Porn!!

This sounds like a very good petition to sign! This is the least we can do to help decrease the availability of porn. Let's sign it and share it!!

Require Porn to be an "Opt In" feature with Internet Service Providers rather than a standard feature.

In its current state, Internet porn seeks out users by email solicitations and massive amounts of free content throughout Internet browser searches. The average person, even children, can type in the word "cat" or "home" or "soup" and instantly be inundated with offensive and disturbing pornographic images. Parents and individuals have to go to great lengths to install Internet filters that often don't weed out all porn. We are asking for greater protection and responsibility from Internet Service providers and our country. We are asking that people who are interested in porn should have to seek it and choose it. They should have to "Opt In" for it by making arrangements to receive it with their Internet Service Provider. Everyone else should be free from it and assumed "Opt Out".

Sign it here: